Consulting Services

Work with me!

Need a Personal Touch?

Does your department, school, or district need personal consulting services on grading, assessment, starting a CI/TPRS® program, classroom management, curriculum mapping, or other educational consulting?

Scott Benedict will come to your school or work “virtually” with you to meet your consulting needs and goals.

If you are interested in learning more about our personalized consulting services, please submit a Consultation Request.

Scott Benedict

I love to work with teachers and help them reach their goals

in the modern language-acquisition classroom.

Scott Benedict

Tailored Strategies

for Every Teacher

Be it with implementing CI strategies, grading & assessment, building relationships, classroom management, writing curriculum, or just observing great teaching and giving some pointers, we can work together to better meet the needs of your students.

Consulting Services

Grading & Assessment

Grading & Assessment

Grading & Assessment are a necessary evil in education today. But grading & assessment don’t necessarily have to be evil. They can be super helpful in informing your teaching practice. Let me show you how to implement a proficiency-based grading & assessment program that works, is easy to implement, and helps you be a better teacher to your students.

Building a CI/TPRS Program

Building a CI/TPRS Program

There is no better way to acquire a language than through comprehensible input. It’s the way we all learned our first language! But change can be hard. Textbooks, vocabulary lists, and grammar rules are so hard to give up! I will show you how to move your students and teachers towards proficiency based on a variety of CI and TPRS strategies.

Classroom Management

Classroom Management

There is nothing more frustrating than classroom management. It drains us each and every day. Very few of us are any good at it. Why can’t students just behave? I wish there was a simple one-step fix for all of our classroom management issues. Unfortunately, there is not. But I can show you how basing your management on true relationships with your students is much more effective along with some tried-and-true strategies that will maximize learning and minimize distractions.

Curriculum Building

Curriculum Building

We’re in a new age. It used to be that your curriculum equaled your text book and you left it at that. We’re in the 21st Century now and that’s just not going to cut it. No longer are grammar drills, vocabulary tests, and worksheets going to suffice in today’s multi-lingual world. Let me show you how to pull from a variety of resources to build a solid curriculum focusing on high-frequency vocabulary and grammar, along with a solid reading program to build true proficiency in your students.

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