Most of us, at one time or another, have graded a student's level of participation and added it to the academic grade.
But with standards-based grading, this is a major no-no!
So what's a teacher to do?
I'll tell you in this hour-long webinar.
why can participation be a bad thing,
how participation can also be a good thing,
and how to still assess participation with standards-based grading.
It doesn't have to be.
We just have to rethink how we implement it.
If you know anything about standards-based grading, it's all about assessing the standards and there ain't no standard for participation!
Plus the rules for standards-based grading state that you cannot assess on effort, behavior, engagement, or participation.
But for many of us, this has been a long-standing carrot that we dangled in front of our students to get them to be more engaged in class and, well, participate.
But if we can no longer include participation in the grade, what are we to do?
Let me show you in this 1-hour webinar how you can still use participation to up your students' engagement while still adhering to standards-based grading principles.
I'm a teacher just like you!
When I first started teaching, I, too, added participation to the student's grades.
That is until I started standards-based grading during my second year of teaching.
Yes, I was an early adopter way back in 2002!
So, I had to figure out a way to keep my students engaged, and encourage active participation, while still not grading effort, behavior, or participation.
I've experimented, adapted, and changed the way I do participation over the years and I think I have found what works!
And I'll show you my secrets in this one-hour webinar.
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