Revolutionize Language Learning with One-Verb Stories

One Verb Stories

Just $47 $37 for a Limited Time!

Unlock the Power of Hyper-Focused Contextual Learning

Dive into the heart of language learning with Immediate Immersion’s One-Verb Stories, where we flip the script on traditional methods.

Each story is a deep dive into one of the Sweet 16 verbs, turning "learning" into "living." It's not just repetition; it's immersion in a riveting narrative that etches each verb into your students' minds. This is how we make verbs stick — by making them stars of their own stories, surrounded by context that’s as engaging as it is educational.

We’re here to supercharge your language classroom with stories that do more than teach — they transform. With One-Verb Stories, we’re not just passing on words; we’re handing your students the keys to unlock any language.

Ready to revolutionize the way you teach?

One-Verb Stories

I've worked with...

The Agent Workshop
CI in the Mitten
Alaskans for Language Acquisition
Clark County School District
Minneapolis Public Schools
Norfolk Public Schools
ES 16

Ditch the Drill: Discover the Power of Story in Every Verb.

Why One-Verb Stories?

When we talk about shifting the paradigm of language learning, we're not just throwing around big words to sound impressive. We're talking about a bona fide strategy that's about to turn the traditional classroom on its head. Enter the realm of One-Verb Stories, where each narrative isn't just a story; it's a masterclass in the

Sweet 16 verbs that are foundational to fluency in Spanish, French, German, and English.

Here's the deal: every single story in our collection is hyper-focused on one of these powerhouse verbs. Why? Because immersion and repetition in context is the key to unlocking a verb's full potential. It's about drilling down to the core of language acquisition, making each verb not just a word to be memorized, but a tool to be wielded with confidence.

Imagine a story where "to go" isn't just another verb on a list, but the hero of its own tale. A story where every twist and turn, every challenge and triumph, revolves around the concept of "going". This isn't just repetition for the sake of repetition; it's repetition wrapped in engaging, meaningful context that sticks in the mind like nothing else.

But it doesn't stop there. Each story is crafted with the precision of a watchmaker, ensuring that the verb in focus is presented in various tenses and forms. This isn't about mindless drilling; it's strategic reinforcement, where students encounter the verb in multiple contexts, solidifying their understanding and ability to use it fluidly in real-life situations.

This hyper-focused approach is what sets One-Verb Stories apart. It's not just about learning a language; it's about experiencing it, living it, and making those Sweet 16 verbs second nature to your students. We're not just teaching words; we're sculpting linguistic artists, giving them the tools to paint vibrant, fluent pictures with their words.

In a nutshell, One-Verb Stories is your secret weapon for maximum acquisition potential. It's about making each verb so familiar, so understood, that your students can't help but master it. And when they do, they're not just passing tests; they're unlocking the full, rich tapestry of a new language.

So, are you ready to join the revolution and see firsthand how hyper-focused storytelling can transform your language classroom?

Because this is it—the future of language learning, where every verb is a story, and every story opens a world of possibility.

Unlock Language Mastery:

One Verb, One Story at a Time.

Unleash a Language Revolution: Dive Deep, Get Creative, and Transform Learning with One-Verb Stories

Effortless Verb Mastery


Unlock the Full Potential of Essential Verbs with Engaging Narratives

Ditch the monotony of rote memorization and embrace a world where verb mastery is as effortless as getting lost in a good story. With the One-Verb Stories collection, each verb becomes a character in its own right, allowing students to grasp its nuances through compelling narratives. This method not only simplifies the learning process but also ensures deep, lasting understanding by embedding each verb into your students' minds in the most natural and engaging way possible.

Tailored Learning Experience

Tailored Learning Experience

Customize Each Story to Fit Your Classroom's Unique Needs

Every classroom is different, and the One-Verb Stories collection is designed with flexibility in mind. These 5-sentence scripts serve as the seeds from which full-blown stories grow, guided by your and your students' creativity. By asking leading questions to flesh out characters, details, and dialogue, you're not just teaching a language; you're co-creating personalized learning experiences that resonate with your students, making every lesson unforgettable.

Language Engagement

Language Engagement

Deep Dive into Verbs with Fully Developed Reading Texts

The journey from a simple verb to a profound understanding of its application is made seamless with our collection. Each story script blossoms into a fully-developed reading text, accompanied by comprehension questions that explore the target verb in a myriad of contexts. This comprehensive approach doesn't just expose students to the verb; it immerses them, ensuring they encounter it across various situations and tenses, which amplifies their exposure and mastery of the language in a way that traditional methods can't match.

From Struggle to Success: Tailored Stories for Every Learner.

What You're Getting:

Your Blueprint for a Hyper-Focused Instruction

  • 75 Spanish Story Scripts & 70 for French, German, and English:
    Not just scripts, but a foundation. Each one follows a killer story formula: character, problem, failure, success. These are your seeds, ready to sprout into full-blown narratives that will captivate and educate.

  • Comprehensive Reading Texts and Comprehension Questions: Every script transforms into a fully-developed text, diving deeper into the verb's world. The questions? They're not just follow-ups; they're deep dives into the verb in action, showcasing it in a variety of contexts to solidify your students' grasp.

Here's the real talk: Each of these 5-sentence scripts is a launchpad. They introduce a character with a dream, hit them with a problem, drag them through failure, and then – boom – success. But here's where it gets juicy: these scripts are just the beginning. You and your students get to flesh these stories out, add muscle to the bones. Develop characters, sprinkle in details, weave dialogue, all while keeping the spotlight on that one key verb. This is collaborative storytelling that turns the classroom into a writer's room, where every question you ask adds another layer to the narrative.

This isn't just learning; it's co-creating. It's taking a script and transforming it into a universe that your students have a hand in shaping. And as you delve into the fully-developed reading texts, you're not just revisiting these stories; you're diving deeper, exploring every nook and cranny of the verb's potential. This is about immersion, about exposure, about seeing a verb from every angle until it's not just a word your students know but a concept they live.

With One-Verb Stories, you're not handing out assignments; you're embarking on adventures. You're not teaching verbs; you're unlocking worlds. And in these worlds, verbs are the keys to unlocking expression, communication, and ultimately, fluency. This is how we revolutionize language learning, by making it a journey of creation, imagination, and profound understanding.

So, are you ready to ditch the textbook approach and dive into a world where every verb is a story waiting to be told?

Because with this collection, we're not just changing the way languages are taught; we're changing the way they're experienced.

Welcome to the storytelling revolution.

Let's make these verbs unforgettable, one story at a time.

Ignite Creativity: Build Unforgettable Lessons Around One Verb.

Exclusive Pre-Sale Offer!

The Game-Changer Your Classroom Needs

Jump In Now & Score Big for Just $37 – This isn't just a deal; it's your gateway to revolutionizing how verbs are taught.

For a ridiculously low price, you're not just buying resources; you're investing in a breakthrough method that's going to turn verb acquisition from a slog into a breeze. And let's be clear – this isn't about saving $20; it's about gaining a lifetime of teaching wins.

Hustle, the Clock's Ticking – Pre-Sale Wraps Up Friday, March 15.

This is your moment. Seize it. Be the trailblazer. Join the elite squad of educators who are ditching the old playbook and are ready to make language learning the exhilarating journey it should be. Lock in your collection before this opportunity vanishes. It's not just about getting in on a deal; it's about being part of the movement that's setting the new standard for language education.

Capture Hearts, Conquer Verbs: Teach with Stories That Stick.

Hi, I'm Scott.

I'm a teacher just like you.

I've been in the trenches, seen the glazed-over eyes of students lost in a sea of conjugations, and felt the frustration of trying to reach every learner, from the ones just keeping their heads above water to the high-flyers ready to soar.

That's when I decided to flip the script with something bold, something different — the One-Verb Stories collection.

This wasn't just another teaching gimmick; it was a lifeline. These hyper-focused stories became my secret weapon, cutting through the complexity and making the language accessible and engaging for everyone.

For my struggling students, these stories were a beacon of clarity, simplifying language acquisition in a way that textbooks and traditional methods never could. They provided just enough structure to make the language comprehensible, giving these learners the foothold they needed to start climbing.

And my high-flyers? They took these generic, open-ended narratives and ran with them, pushing the boundaries of each verb to showcase their creativity and mastery of the language. It was like watching artists given a single color and witnessing the myriad ways they could paint the world with it.

This collection did more than just teach verbs; it transformed my classroom. It created a space where every student could thrive, where language wasn't a barrier but a bridge to expression, understanding, and connection.

So, if you're looking for a way to reach every learner, to ignite passion and foster achievement in your language classroom, trust me — I've been there.

And I can tell you, without a doubt, that this is the way forward.

Let's break the mold together and make learning not just effective, but truly unforgettable.


Lead the Charge: Be the Educator Who Brings Language to Life.

Got Questions? Fire Away!

Is the One-Verb Stories collection suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! Each story is designed to cater to learners at various levels, including beginners. The focus on a single verb in different contexts helps to build a strong foundational understanding and confidence in using the language, making it an ideal tool for beginners to start their language learning journey effectively.

How can One-Verb Stories benefit students already familiar with the Sweet 16 verbs?

Even for students who are familiar with the Sweet 16 verbs, the One-Verb Stories collection offers a depth of contextual usage and nuances that traditional learning methods often overlook. It reinforces their understanding, helps them experience the verbs in varied, real-world contexts, and enhances their ability to use the language more fluently and confidently.

Can the One-Verb Stories be integrated into existing curriculum?

Yes, they can! The One-Verb Stories collection is designed to be flexible and easily integrated into any existing language curriculum. They can serve as a dynamic supplement to traditional learning, offering a fresh, engaging way to practice verb usage, enhance comprehension skills, and stimulate classroom discussion and creativity.

What if I'm not sure how to effectively use the stories in my classroom?

No worries! With your purchase, you’ll get guidelines and suggestions on how to use the stories most effectively in your classroom. Plus, the collection is designed with ease of use in mind, providing a straightforward, engaging way to dive deep into verb acquisition without needing extensive prep time.

I still have questions!

No worries! If your question isn't answered here, please feel free to send me an email at [email protected] and I'll be happy to answer them for you.

Normally $47

For a Limited Time - Just $37!

Who's This For?

The Game-Changers and Rule-Breakers in Language Education

This is for you, the teachers who dare to ditch the dry, dusty textbooks and embrace a teaching revolution.

If you're all about lighting up your language classroom with stories that stick, engaging every learner from the curious beginner to the advanced achiever, then welcome aboard. We're here to turn language learning on its head, making each verb a journey, and every lesson an adventure.

Ready to make learning unforgettable and teach in a way that truly resonates?

This collection is your ticket to transformation.

Let’s rewrite the rules, together.

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