Elevate Language Proficiency with Targeted Rubrics

Unlock the Power of Comprehension-Based Assessment in Your Language Classroom

Are you on a quest to redefine success in your language classroom?

Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all grading and hello to rubrics that resonate with the rhythm of real language learning.

This is your chance to become an architect of success, designing rubrics that not only measure progress but inspire it.

You'll leave with the blueprint to create assessments that celebrate every nuance of your students' language journey, turning every evaluation into a milestone of achievement.

Designing Rubrics

Sunday, November 12 at 8a Pacific/11a Eastern.

What's In It for YOU!

Revolutionized Lesson Planning
Enhanced Assessment Clarity and Relevance

You'll craft rubrics that demystify grading, providing your students with clear expectations and actionable feedback to fuel their language learning journey.

Time-Saving Techniques
Improved Student Outcomes

You'll witness your students communicating more effectively and confidently as they internalize and apply language patterns in real-world contexts.

Immediate Actionable Insights
Streamlined Grading & Feedback Processes

You'll save precious time with efficient grading strategies, allowing you to focus more on engaging instruction and enriching student interactions.

Unveil the Mastery of Rubric Design

Craft Precision Tools to Capture the Essence of Language Proficiency

Innovative Rubric Design:

Unlock the secrets to crafting transformative rubrics that go beyond mere metrics to truly capture the heart of language proficiency. With our expert guidance, you'll design tools that students and educators can trust to reflect genuine progress.

Focused Assessment:

Hone your skills in pinpointing the exact elements of language learning that matter. Whether it's listening, reading, writing, speaking, or engaging in conversation, you'll learn to assess with a surgeon's precision, ensuring every nuance of language proficiency is acknowledged and nurtured.

Actionable Strategies:

Leave not just inspired, but equipped. You'll depart with a treasure trove of practical strategies, ready to be deployed in your classroom. These aren't just ideas; they're a concrete plan, a set of steps you can act on immediately to see real change in your teaching and your students' learning outcomes.

Here's your chance—don't let it slip away!

Hi, I'm Scott.

I'm a teacher just like you!

I've been using comprehension-based methods for over 20 years and during that time I've been working with grading and assessment to make sure what my students could actually do in the language matched what was in the grade book.

To that end, I've had to master the art of creating rubrics that not only described what I was looking for, but gave clear insight into each student's proficiency level.

Rubrics are no easy feat!

But in this webinar, I'll show you my system of creating rubrics to make the process less painful and more time efficient.



What if I'm new to rubric-based assessments? Will I be able to keep up?


This webinar is designed to cater to both newcomers and seasoned educators.

We'll walk you through the basics before diving into more advanced concepts, ensuring you have a solid foundation to build upon.

I've been creating rubrics for years. How will this webinar benefit me?

Even if you're experienced with rubrics, this webinar offers fresh, innovative approaches that align with the latest in comprehension-based language teaching.

It's a great opportunity to refine your skills and update your methods with cutting-edge strategies.

How can I justify the time and cost of this webinar to my administration?

Investing in this webinar is investing in your students' success.

The skills you acquire will lead to more effective assessments, which can improve student outcomes and teaching efficiency—benefits that any administration would value.

Will I receive any resources to implement these strategies in my classroom?

Yes, you will receive a comprehensive set of resources, including rubric templates and an actionable implementation plan, to ensure you can put what you learn into practice right away.

How long do I have access?

You'll have access to the webinar replay for 30 days after it airs live.

What if I can't participate LIVE!?

No worries!

We got you! Once the webinar has aired, you'll gain access to the replay with your username and login for a full 30 days!

What is your refund policy?

30 days or more prior to event: 100% refundable

29 – 21 days prior to event: 75% refundable

20 – 14 days prior to event: 50% refundable

13 – 7 days prior to event: 25% refundable

less than 7 days prior to event: 0% refundable

I still have questions!

No worries! If your question isn't answered here, please feel free to send me an email at [email protected] and I'll be happy to answer them for you.

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