Gain Expert Skills to Dramatically Boost Student Engagement and Comprehension

Beyond the Basics

Step into Advanced CI Mastery: Create Dynamic, Engaging Classrooms Where Every Student Thrives!

Discover the depths of comprehension-based instruction with 'Beyond the Basics,' a meticulously designed course for language educators seeking to revolutionize their teaching approach.

Dive into expert strategies and techniques that enhance student engagement and deepen understanding, tailored for every learning style.

Each class, from enhancing questioning techniques to strategizing long-term CI teaching plans, is crafted to equip you with the tools for transformative classroom experiences.

Perfect for educators aiming to build fluency and grasp the cognitive aspects of CI, this course sets you on a path to long-term success in CI teaching.

Enroll now and begin your path to becoming a CI expert, transforming your teaching and unlocking your students' full language potential.

Beyond the Basics

Elevate Your CI Skills and Watch Your Students Achieve Unprecedented Fluency and Confidence!

Are you ready to take your comprehension-based instruction to new heights?

Well, you're in luck!

We're hosting an exclusive course that's all about pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the CI classroom.

It's called "Beyond the Basics," and trust me, it's exactly what you need if you're looking to spice up your teaching methods.

In this course, we're not just scratching the surface.

We're diving deep into the nitty-gritty of advanced CI strategies – the kind of stuff that transforms good teachers into great ones.

Whether you're dealing with a classroom full of diverse learners, trying to keep your students engaged, or looking to build advanced fluency, we've got you covered.

I'll be walking you through some of the most innovative techniques and approaches that have personally revolutionized my own teaching.

Plus, we'll discuss how 'Beyond the Basics' can help you overcome common challenges and really make a difference in your students' language journey.

So, are you ready to be the change-maker in your language classroom?

This is your moment!

Master innovative CI strategies, ensuring every student achieves profound language comprehension and engagement.

For CI teachers seeking to elevate their expertise and deliver impactful, personalized language lessons, without stagnating in conventional teaching techniques.

Designed specifically for educators already versed in Comprehension-Based Instruction, 'Beyond the Basics' is a catalyst for those looking to significantly enhance their CI skills.

This course offers a deep dive into advanced methodologies, equipping you with the tools to deliver more personalized, engaging, and effective language lessons.

Step beyond the familiar landscape of standard CI techniques and embrace a suite of innovative strategies designed to rejuvenate your teaching approach.

This course invites you to explore beyond the usual methods, offering fresh, dynamic approaches that promise to profoundly enrich your students' learning experiences and invigorate your classroom.

Discover the Key to Unleashing Student Potential!

Are you feeling like your CI classroom has hit a bit of a plateau?

It happens to the best of us dedicated CI educators.

You know the ropes, your lessons are solid, but somehow, they just don’t seem to ignite that spark of deep learning and excitement in your students.

It’s as if there’s a crucial element missing in your language teaching toolkit.

It’s pretty frustrating, isn't it?

You're putting in the work, but it feels like you're not quite making the impact you hoped for.

Your students are engaged, but they haven't quite hit that breakthrough moment in language mastery that you strive for.

You sense there's more depth and dynamism to CI methods than what you're currently applying, but the big question is, how do you elevate from 'good enough' to exceptional, transformative language teaching?

Here’s the good news!

Our course, 'Beyond the Basics,' is exactly what you need.

We’re going to explore those advanced CI strategies that will elevate both your teaching and your students’ learning from standard to extraordinary.

Get ready to breathe new life into your lessons, tailor your teaching to each student’s needs, and create an energized, buzzing classroom atmosphere.

Ready to unlock the full potential of your CI classroom?

Unveil the Next Level of CI:
Transformative Learning Strategies Await

Here's what you'll get.

Each session in this course offers a deep dive into specialized techniques designed to enhance student engagement, understanding, and fluency.

  • Beyond the Basics: Elevating Your CI Approach

    Dive deep into the essence of advanced CI teaching, learning how to evolve your current methods for greater impact in the classroom.

  • Advanced Questioning Strategies in CI

    Master the art of questioning to foster deeper understanding and critical thinking among your students.

  • Cultural Integration: Making CI Globally Relevant

    Discover how to weave cultural elements seamlessly into your lessons, making language learning more engaging and globally connected.

  • Personalization in CI: Tailoring Content for Every Learner

    Learn to customize your teaching approach to meet the unique needs and interests of each student, enhancing their personal connection to the language.

  • The Art of Pacing in CI Classrooms

    Find the perfect rhythm for your lessons, ensuring that all students remain engaged and effectively absorb the material.

  • Differentiated Instruction in CI: Meeting All Needs

    Explore strategies to cater to diverse learning styles and abilities, ensuring that no student is left behind.

  • Building Advanced Fluency: Techniques for Higher Levels

    Gain insights into techniques that build higher-level fluency, preparing your students for complex language usage.

  • CI and the Brain: Understanding the Cognitive Aspects

    Delve into the neuroscience behind CI, understanding how it aligns with the way our brains process and retain language.

  • Long-term Planning: Sustaining Growth in CI Teaching

    Develop a roadmap for continuous growth and effectiveness in your CI teaching journey.

  • Reflect and Project: Charting Your CI Journey Forward

    Reflect on your progress and set clear, actionable goals for your future as a CI educator.

Break Through Barriers

Even if you're new to advanced CI strategies...

Don't worry if advanced CI strategies seem a bit daunting or if you're just stepping into this territory. 'Beyond the Basics' is designed to guide you through these advanced techniques in a clear, accessible manner. You'll gain the confidence and skills to implement these strategies, no matter your starting point.

Even if your classroom is incredibly diverse...

One of the great things about this course is its applicability in diverse classroom settings. Whether your students have varying language proficiency levels, learning styles, or cultural backgrounds, the strategies you'll learn here are adaptable and inclusive, ensuring you can meet the needs of every student.

Even if you've tried other CI methods without success...

It's common to encounter methods that don’t quite fit your teaching style or student needs. 'Beyond the Basics' brings a fresh perspective with a range of innovative techniques. This isn't about a one-size-fits-all approach; it's about finding what works best for you and your classroom.

Even if you have limited time and resources...

We understand the constraints of time and resources in teaching. This course offers practical, effective strategies that can be integrated into your existing lesson plans without the need for extensive additional resources or time.

Even if you’re juggling a busy schedule...

The flexibility of 'Beyond the Basics' means you can learn and grow at your own pace. It's about making meaningful improvements in your teaching, in a way that fits your busy lifestyle.

Elevate, Engage, and Excel!

If you want to take your CI teaching from good to exceptional, then 'Beyond the Basics' is perfect for you.

If you're seeking strategies to keep every student in your diverse classroom engaged and thriving, then this course is tailored for you.

If you aspire to integrate culture and personalization into your language lessons seamlessly, 'Beyond the Basics' is your ideal choice.

If you're looking for effective, innovative teaching methods that fit within your busy schedule and resource constraints, then this course is precisely what you need.

'Beyond the Basics' is more than just a course; it's a transformational journey designed for educators like you who are ready to make a lasting impact in their language classrooms.

Scott Benedict

Hi, I'm Scott.

I'm a teacher just like you!

From the moment I embarked on my journey as a Spanish teacher in 2001, I knew I wanted to make a real difference in the way students learn languages.

My exploration led me to TPRS, a method that resonated with my belief in a more natural, engaging approach to language learning.

But, as with any worthwhile endeavor, mastering CI was a journey, not a destination.

Over the past 20 years, I've dedicated myself to perfecting my approach, constantly seeking ways to make my CI classroom more dynamic, inclusive, and effective.

I’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of CI – from the way it sparks enthusiasm in students to the profound understanding it cultivates.

However, the path wasn't always smooth.

There were moments of trial and error, times when I had to adapt and evolve my methods to meet the diverse and changing needs of my students.

In creating and leading 'Beyond the Basics,' I'm drawing on two decades of experience, challenges, and insights.

This course is the culmination of everything I've learned and a platform to share these advanced strategies with all of you.

It's designed for teachers like you, who are already familiar with CI but are seeking to elevate their skills, to make their lessons not just good, but truly exceptional.

Join me in this journey.

Together, we'll dive into advanced CI techniques, explore innovative ways to personalize learning, and discover how to keep every student engaged and thriving.

I'm excited to guide and grow with you on this transformative path.

Let's Goooo!


Incredible Organizations I've Worked With...

The Agent Workshop
CI in the Mitten
Alaskans for Language Acquisition
Clark County School District
Minneapolis Public Schools
Norfolk Public Schools
ES 16

Your Success, Our Promise:
Do the Work, Get Results – Guaranteed!

At Immediate Immersion, we're not just offering a course; we're committing to your success.

We understand that transforming your CI teaching takes effort, dedication, and the right strategies.

That's why our guarantee is simple: put in the work, follow the advanced methodologies we share, and you'll see tangible results in your classroom.

We're so confident in the effectiveness of our approach that if you diligently apply the techniques and don't witness a significant improvement in student engagement and comprehension, we'll make it right.

This is your journey towards excellence in CI teaching, and we're here to ensure you reach those heights – with results you can see and feel.


I'm already using CI methods in my classroom. How will this course benefit me?

'Beyond the Basics' is specifically designed for teachers who are familiar with CI but looking to deepen and refine their skills. This course offers advanced strategies and innovative techniques that go beyond the fundamentals, helping you to enhance student engagement, personalize your teaching, and achieve greater effectiveness in your classroom.

What if I can't keep up with the course due to my busy schedule?

We understand the demands of a teacher's schedule. That's why the course is structured to be flexible and accommodating. You can progress at your own pace, ensuring that even the busiest educators can benefit without feeling overwhelmed.

Will these strategies work in a classroom with diverse learning abilities and backgrounds?

Absolutely. One of the core focuses of 'Beyond the Basics' is to equip you with strategies that are adaptable to diverse classrooms. The course covers methods for differentiating instruction and personalizing content, ensuring that you can meet the needs of each student, regardless of their background or learning style.

How practical are the strategies taught in the course? Can I easily integrate them into my existing curriculum?

The strategies and techniques taught in 'Beyond the Basics' are not only advanced but also highly practical and designed for easy integration into your current curriculum. We focus on providing actionable methods that can be applied immediately in your classroom, enhancing your existing lesson plans without the need for a complete overhaul. The course is all about practicality and applicability, ensuring that you can start seeing positive changes in your teaching and student engagement right away.

What if I implement these strategies and don't see any improvement?

Our course comes with a satisfaction guarantee. We're confident in the effectiveness of our methods, but if you apply the strategies and don't see the improvement you expect, we will work with you to address these challenges. Your success in elevating your CI teaching is our primary goal.

How long do I have access?

You'll have access to the all of the replays through December 31, 2024.

What if I can't participate LIVE!?

No worries!

We got you! Once the webinar has aired, you'll gain access to the replay with your username and login.

What is your refund policy?

30 days or more prior to event: 100% refundable

29 – 21 days prior to event: 75% refundable

20 – 14 days prior to event: 50% refundable

13 – 7 days prior to event: 25% refundable

less than 7 days prior to event: 0% refundable

I still have questions!

No worries! If your question isn't answered here, please feel free to send me an email at [email protected] and I'll be happy to answer them for you.

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